Miscellany and meta
This page has links that involve everything and nothing at the same time. It contains article ideas that, when I finish writing them, will become links.
They can be broadly divided into three parts:
Writing and artistry
These articles are about writing in general, as well as other forms of visual and aural arts.
How gemtext and things that render gemtext alter how I write
Masquerades and re-attribution of man's accomplishments
The Generalised Kaohsiung Technique
Trolls & Utauloids – Internal Structure and Appeal
Wonder and Feeling Clever – alternatives to "subverting expectations"
A story about information and memory
A comic, a cameo and an extraction of the incorrect essence
Another thing about names and hiding them
The meaning of a property to "belong" to an entertainment conglomerate
Numerical articles
These articles discuss in broad terms about language, the things one write with the language, and some mathematics.
Using notation to understand the world
Twitch earnings and the Zipfian distribution
Kvetching about Bitcoin – a quantitative approach
My digits 10 and 11 (ported from Gemlog.blue)
A notation for fairy chess pieces
1, 29, 493; or, a lack of sense of numerical aesthetic shows up everywhere
Para-bishops and the infinite-dimensional chessboard
The Legibility Series
I have some strange strawman-like political thoughts. But it's part of an effort of trying to build some kind of coherent worldview that so far doesn't seem to have worked out. I hope these articles can show some of that inner turmoil.
Petrolheads and anoraks – the mentality of transport
The Great Dividing Line in History
Reflections on a mouse pointer on a sign
A random thought about adverts