Directory listing
This is a list of Gemini files in this capsule. This includes pages that don't otherwise appear in the full directory listing, and they might not be complete, so be aware.
Each link also carries the title of the document (i.e. the first top-level heading of the file).
It is last generated at 2024-03-31 01:22:53 HKT.
Source code for file generation
accessibility: Machine accessibility is human accessibility
aesthetic: A particular aesthetic
article-conventions: Some article formatting standards for gemtext
cars: Cars and Power Demonstration
digits-10-and-11: My digits 10 and 11
ed1.5: Adventures in xenharmony – conxenharmony
energy-competition: Kvetching about Bitcoin – a quantitative approach
fillet: Filleting and the circle that doesn't hide anything
four-random-questions: Four Random Questions
franchises: The meaning of a property to "belong" to an entertainment conglomerate
gemlog-2021-10: Checking in – November 2021
gem-org-odt: Writing all four ways
headspace-claim: Names as head-space claims
history-line: The Great Dividing Line in History
just-so-story: On Google and Ads – a just-so story
jyutcitzi: Opinions on Jyutcitzi
kaohsiung: The Generalised Kaohsiung Technique
lispy-chess-piece-notation: Lispy Chess Piece Notation
masquerades: Masquerades and re-attribution of man's accomplishments
misc-ideas: Miscellaneous writing ideas
monetising-conlangs: Monetising conlangs
mouse-pointer: The Mouse Pointer
names: A story about information and memory
noncharacters: Trolls & Utauloids – Internal Structure and Appeal
not-a-merc: A comic, a cameo and an extraction of the incorrect essence
notation: Using notation to understand the world
parabishops: Para-bishops and the infinite-dimensional chessboard
programming: Programming projects
rejected-pmon-titles: Rejected Pokemon Title names
re/power-of-git: Re: Finally Understanding the Power of Git
roads-and-life: How roads shaped my life
scheduler: Dual-wielding planners
some-writing-ideas: Some writing ideas
station-songs: On station songs
transport-mentality: Petrolheads and anoraks – the mentality of transport
twitch-stats: Twitch earnings and the Zipfian distribution
wonder: Wonder and Feeling Clever – alternatives to "subverting expectations"